
5 Dec 2015

CompletableFuture as a Trampoline for Tail Recursion Elimination

A function is said to be tail recursive when the result of the recursive call is what we return from the function. In other words, the recursive call is the last thing we do, and in particular, when the recursive call returns, we do not need any of the local variables and parameters of the current stack frame.

In many languages, the compiler will recognize this situation and re-use the current stack frame for the recursive call. This is called tail recursion elimination (or tail call optimization, in the more general case that the final function call is not recursive). But it doesn't happen in Java.

There are standard techniques to implement tail call optimization when the language does not have it. One possibility is to transform the recursive function to a loop manually, which is easy to do, typically easier than transforming a non-tail-recursive function into a tail recursive one. Another such method is called trampolining. A trampoline is simply a loop that performs the function calls iteratively, one after the other. In order to achieve that, the recursive function is rewritten so that it is no longer actually recursive, but  instead returns immediately with a higher-order function that will call the original function when evaluated inside the loop. These higher-order wrappers are usually called thunks. The term "trampoline" derives from the visual image of control bouncing up and down between the loop and the function, without ever spiralling downwards as in true recursion.

Information on trampolining is not hard to find. For example, here and here are two nice posts, with illustrations. As for Java, Pierre-Yves Saumont presents a trampoline implementation in this post (without actually mentioning the term).

I have noticed that Java actually contains a built-in class that implements trampolining, namely CompletableFuture. You get the desired behavior by making asynchronous tail calls (Viktor Klang's term). We won't need any custom classes or explicit loops. Let's use the Fibonacci function as an example. Here's a tail recursive formulation of it:

public static BigInteger fibTailRecursive(int n) {
    return n <= 2 ? ONE : fibTailRecursiveAux(n, ZERO, ONE);

private static BigInteger fibTailRecursiveAux(int n, BigInteger a, BigInteger b) {
    return n <= 0 ? a : fibTailRecursiveAux(n - 1, b, a.add(b));

To get the trampoline, we delay the recursive calls by wrapping them in CompletableFuture. The terminal value will be wrapped in an already completed future. Here's the corresponding thunked version of the above function definition:

public static BigInteger fibCF(int n) {
    return n <= 2 ? ONE : fibCF(n, ZERO, ONE).join();

private static CompletableFuture<BigInteger> fibCF(int n, BigInteger a, BigInteger b) {
    return n <= 0 ? terminate(a) : tailcall(() -> fibCF(n - 1, b, a.add(b)));

The complete "framework" consists only of the two utility methods terminate and tailcall. Plus we also should provide a dedicated thread to run the async calls in. (Adding more threads, or using the common Fork-Join pool actually slows things down in my environment.)

public static <T> CompletableFuture<T> terminate(T t) {
    return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(t);

public static <T> CompletableFuture<T> tailcall(Supplier<CompletableFuture<T>> s) {
    return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(s, POOL).thenCompose(identity()); 

private static final ExecutorService POOL = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).build());

The class ThreadFactoryBuilder is from Guava. Composing with the identity function will unwrap the nested CompletableFuture that comes out of the call to supplyAsync.

Note that it is essential to use supplyAsync. Making synchronous calls, or using an Executor that runs tasks immediately in the caller thread (for example, Executor e = Runnable::run), would lead to a stackoverflow for large inputs.The trampoline loop is realised inside CompletableFuture by taking tasks from the queue associated with the Executor. This feature is not really documented. Although Doug Lea has pointed out to me that there is an implementation comment at the top of CompletableFuture that points in that direction
      * Method postComplete is called upon completion unless the target
      * is guaranteed not to be observable (i.e., not yet returned or
      * linked). Multiple threads can call postComplete, which
      * atomically pops each dependent action, and tries to trigger it
      * via method tryFire, in NESTED mode.  Triggering can propagate
      * recursively, so NESTED mode returns its completed dependent (if
      * one exists) for further processing by its caller (see method
      * postFire).

The bad news is performance. I have benchmarked this solution against a manually optimized iterative version and against Saumont's TailCall class. The upshot is that TailCall performs as well as the manually coded loop. Using CompletableFuture is three times as slow. Here's a representative measurement for computing the 5000th Fibonacci number:

# Warmup: 5 iterations, 1 s each
# Measurement: 25 iterations, 1 s each
# Threads: 1 thread, will synchronize iterations
# Benchmark mode: Average time, time/op

Benchmark                                   Mode  Cnt  Score   Error  Units
TrampolineBenchmark.measureLoop  avgt   25  0.403 ± 0.004  ms/op
TrampolineBenchmark.measureTC    avgt   25  0.415 ± 0.002  ms/op
TrampolineBenchmark.measureCF    avgt   25  1.258 ± 0.009  ms/op

Nevertheless, I like the simplicity of it.

13 Nov 2015

Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines with Cyclops

I have just recently become aware of the Cyclops library for functional programming with Java 8. This exciting library offers many excellent features, among them
  • Enhancements and utilities for Streams
  • Advanced monadic operations
  • Powerful pattern matching
  • Interoperability with both TotallyLazy and javaslang
and more. I have only looked at a part of it, and I'm sure there are many useful things to discover. Go look for yourself!

Abstracting over Monads

The feature that drew my attention initially, however, were Cyclops' tools for monadic programming. In particular, they can abstract over the three monads in JDK 8: Stream, Optional and CompletableFuture (and any other monads you may find or create). By using what they call Comprehenders, indeed they can coerce even classes that are technically non-monadic (like List) into a monad. You can find pointers to articles about this on the Cyclops page, for example this readable introduction.

Why did this interest me so much? Well, monads are particularly good at combining computations into a coherent whole, abstracting away some boilerplate code. The algorithm for combining the computations can always be the same (using a method that is usually called flatMap or bind), with the details of what happens being delegated to the particular monad. An instructive example is given by Mike MacHenry in this post. MacHenry models a deterministic finite state machine (DFA) with a transition function that has type Optional, and a nondeterminstic fine state machine (NFA) with a transition function that has type List. He then shows how we can abstract over DFAs and NFAs by implementing a traversal function that works for both kinds of machines. The advantage is interface economy, and consequently more elegance and less maintenance.

MacHenry's post is in the context of Haskell, and I have always wished to be able to do the same thing in Java. But in the JDK, although Optional basically implements the same conceptual API as List (you might think of Optional as a sequence with a cardinality of at most 1, cf. here), there is no actual interface to capture the common functionality. You might even be driven to model a DFA as an NFA and place the constraint that the lists must contain at most one state in the Javadoc. The point is that this would be a decidedly inferior DFA model.

Finally, with Cyclops, we can do what we really want. Cyclops introduces a simple wrapper class, called AnyM, to manage the abstraction.

The technicalities of working with AnyM, however, can also be a bit involved, so we want to hide that from our application logic and provide a common implementation for DFAs and NFAs with an API that exposes only standard JDK classes. I'd like to show you how I did it. The solution requires Cyclops 6.1.1 or later.

Modelling Finite State Machines

A finite state machine is defined by it's inventory of states, an alphabet of permissible input symbols and a transition table that takes the current state, the next input symbol to be consumed and yields the next state (or states, in the case of an NFA). In Java, the transition function can be modelled by

BiFunction<S, Character, M>

where S denotes the type of the machine's states, and M the monadic container used as the result value of the transition function (Optional<S> or List<S> for a DFA or NFA, resp.)

The states and alphabet will be left implicit in the transition table. In addition, for convenience we will allow the transition table to be partial, in the sense that it need only contain the valid transitions. The appropriate empty value that signifies an invalid transition is supplied separately when creating a state machine. Here's the factory method signature:

public static <S, M> StateMachine<S,M> newStateMachine(BiFunction<S, Character, M> partialTransitions, M defaultValue)

The machine itself is represented as a traversal function that takes a state and a sequence of input characters, and returns the resulting state(s) after consuming the entire input, in which case the input is said to have been accepted. (Well, really it is only accepted when you start from a properly identified initial state and end up in a final state, but I'm ignoring this detail here. You can easily build it on top of the implementation given below.)

public interface StateMachine<S, M> {
    M accept(S state, CharSequence input);

The states themselves can be anything. We will assume a simple immutable class State hat has an integer identity attribute with equals and hashCode defined accordingly, and an associated factory method state(int).

Working with Finite State Machines

In proper test-first fashion, let us first consider how we want to be able to use our state machines. Here are a couple of JUnit tests. I will use Guava's two-dimensional array table to provide the transition function.

import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;
import static java.util.Optional.empty;
import static java.util.Optional.of;

public void demoDFA() {
    ArrayTable<State, Character, Optional<State>> transitiontable = ArrayTable.create(
        asList(state(1), state(2)), asList('a', 'b'));

    transitiontable.put(state(1), 'a', of(state(2)));
    transitiontable.put(state(1), 'b', of(state(1)));
    transitiontable.put(state(2), 'b', of(state(1)));

    StateMachine<State,Optional<State>> dfa = newStateMachine(transitiontable::get, empty());
    Optional<State> finalState = dfa.accept(state(1), "ab");
    assertEquals(state(1), finalState.get());

public void demoNFA() {
    ArrayTable<State, Character, List<State>> transitiontable = ArrayTable.create(
        asList(state(1), state(2), state(3)), asList('a', 'b'));

    transitiontable.put(state(1), 'a', asList(state(2), state(3)));
    transitiontable.put(state(2), 'a', asList(state(2)));
    transitiontable.put(state(3), 'b', asList(state(3)));

    StateMachine<State, List<State>> nfa = newStateMachine(transitiontable::get, emptyList());
    List<State> finalStates = nfa.accept(state(1), "ab");
    assertEquals(asList(state(3)), finalStates);

I have not shown any test with inacceptable input. In that case, because the transition function will return either an empty Optional or empty List when it encounters a state out of which there is no path, the result will also be empty. And of course, in case the input is empty, we shall expect the result to be just the initial state (wrapped in its appropriate monad).

Implementing the Finite State Machine

Without further ado, here's the implementation. It's quite concise. Explanatory comments will follow.

public static <S, M> StateMachine<S,M> newStateMachine(BiFunction<S, Character, M> partialTransitions, M defaultValue) {
     BiFunction<S, Character, AnyM<S>> totalTransitions = (s, c) -> 
         AnyM.ofMonad(Optional.ofNullable(partialTransitions.apply(s, c)).orElse(defaultValue));

    Function<S, AnyM<S>> unit = s -> AnyM.ofMonad(defaultValue).unit(s);
    return (state,input) -> machine(totalTransitions, unit).accept(state, input).unwrap();

private static <S> StateMachine<S, AnyM<S>> machine(BiFunction<S, Character, AnyM<S>> transitions, Function<S, AnyM<S>> unit) {
    return (state,input) -> {
                if (input.length() == 0) return unit.apply(state);
                return transitions.apply(state, input.charAt(0))
                           .flatMap(next -> machine(transitions,unit).accept(next, input.subSequence(1, input.length())));

First thing in the factory method newStateMachine we extend the given function to a total function, and make it put the function value into Cyclops' AnyM wrapper. (Making the function total will obviate dealing with any null value later.) AnyM.ofMonad takes an Object that is already of a supported type and makes it accessible through the wrapper's monadic interface.

Then we define a function that creates a new instance of the underlying monad when given a state. We need that function to terminate the recursive traversal. Cyclops provides a unit method that we can use. We can supply the given default value to provide the required monad type.

Finally, we return the traversal function. Cyclops' unwrap method will remove the AnyM wrapper around the resulting monad.

The traversal function is recursive, terminating with the current state when the input is exhausted. It uses the transition function to look up any new state (or states) reachable from the current state while consuming the next input character, and for each new state that it finds calls that state next and continues to traverse the graph with next as the current state and consuming the rest of the input.

Cyclops API

Cyclops before release 6.1.1 used to contain a host of conversion functions. It was really difficult to know when to use what method. I am indebted to John McClean, the author of Cyclops, for some friendly help with the correct usage of the Cyclops APIs, having made many wrong choices myself. This has not been an easy library to learn!

Fortunately, with Cyclops 6.1.1 many of these methods have been deprecated (see the release notes), which has improved the situation a lot. Just use the factory methods on class AnyM. Javadoc coverage has also been extended.

Some conversion methods ensure that the wrapped type inside AnyM remains unchanged, some convert to Stream implicitly. The latter approach (although it can be more efficient) may impose some additional burden on the application coding. In our case that burden would be allowing for a different monadic type to be returned from newStateMachine than was put in, and explicitly collecting to a list in the caller. The choice is yours.


With DFAs, flatMap over Optional abstracts away the tedium of looking at the intermediate result and checking whether it's empty and continuing only with a non-empty value. With NFAs, flatMap over List abstracts away the tedium of applying a map and concatenating the results. With Cyclops, we can do both in a uniform manner.

I hope you have found this example as instructive as I did.

10 Sept 2015

Cartesian Products with Kleisli Composition

Over at the JOOQ blog, they have written about How to use Java 8 Functional Programming to Generate an Alphabetic Sequence. By "alphabetic sequence" they mean the (n-order) Cartesian product of the letters in the alphabet. For example, the third-order Cartesian product of the alphabet would be
The author of that post (it is unsigned, but I believe it was written by Lukas Eder) claims that
the Java 8 Stream API does not offer enough functionality for this task.
I will show that this claim is wrong, and that there is in fact a pure Java 8 solution. This solution brings out the structure of the problem rather nicely. It is general in the sense that it uses a general function combinator well-known in functional programming. It relies only on the Java 8 Streams API without needing any constructs from jOOλ.

The first building block of the solution is provided by Misha in his answer to this Stackoverflow question. Here's Misha's function that will create a stream of combinations of its first argument with the given stream, where the mode of combination can be externally specified as well. (In the following I will not only call this method crossJoin, but also the function that it returns.)
<T, U, R> Function<T, Stream<R>> crossJoin(Supplier<Stream<? extends U>> streamSupplier, BiFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? extends R> combiner) {
    return t -> streamSupplier.get().map(u -> combiner.apply(t, u));

Now you can do the nth-order Cartesian product by applying flatMap with crossJoin a fixed number of times. A question that goes unanswered in that Stackoverflow discussion is at the core of the JOOQ post: How deal with the situation when the required number of applications is not fixed, but supplied at runtime as a parameter? That is, how do we implement

List<String> cartesian(int n, Collection<String> coll)
Of course, you might do it recursively. But that would rather count as supporting the claim that Java streams were not sufficient! Fortunately, the implementation becomes easy once we remember that the repeated application of functions is equivalent to a single application of the composition of these functions. In our case, we actually want sequential composition, which is just the flip of regular composition. Looking at the signature

crossJoin :: a -> Stream b
it may be hard to see at first how we might compose functions of this signature sequentially. Actually, however, there is guaranteed to be such a combinator. It is called "Kleisli composition", written ">=>", and has the following signature:

>=> :: (a -> Stream b) -> (b -> Stream c) -> (a -> Stream c)

In fact, >=> has a completely general definition for all so-called "monadic types", of which Stream in Java is one. What this means is that we could even abstract over Stream in the above signature, and implement sequential composition for all those types in the same way. This is easier in some languages (Haskell, Scala) than in others (Java). This article by Yoav Abrahami gives an instructive example of what you can do with Kleisli composition in Scala. It demonstrates the same trick we are about to perform, namely replacing recursion with a form of functional composition.

For the sake of example, instead of generalizing we will simplify somewhat. In our case we are dealing only with streams of strings. Here's the Java implementation of >=> for this special case:
BinaryOperator<Function<String,Stream<String>>> kleisli = (f,g) -> s -> f.apply(s).flatMap(g);
The Stream type, being "monadic", obeys certain axioms, one of which states that >=> is associative. So we may use it in a reduction. The required identity function is s -> Stream.of(s). You can easily convince yourself of that by considering the first-order product, which is of course just the original list, which we'll get by lifting every element to Stream and flat-mapping back down, without invoking crossJoin at all. (Of course, you can also prove it by plugging the identity into the definition of >=>.)

Let's put it all together: The idea is to create a stream of as many crossJoin functions as we need, reduce this stream to a single function in memory by composing them together, and finally apply the entire function chain in one fell swoop.

List<String> cartesian(int n, Collection<String> coll) {
           .flatMap( IntStream.range(1, n).boxed()
                     .map(_any -> crossJoin(coll::stream, String::concat)) // create (n-1) appropriate crossJoin instances
                     .reduce(s -> Stream.of(s), kleisli)                   // compose them sequentially with >=>
                    )                                                      // flatMap the stream with the entire function chain
The following call will give you a list of all three-letter alphabetic sequences:
cartesian(3, alphabet)
A variation on the above is when you do not want to multiply a collection n times with itself, but with n other collections (all of the same type). Instead of passing in n, you might pass in the sequence of those other collections, and instead of streaming an integer range you might stream that sequence, creating a crossJoin function for each element,  like this: Stream.of(colls).map(c -> crossJoin(c::stream, String::concat))

For good measure, here's how you may construct the list of letters alphabet, if you do not wish to write them down severally with Arrays.asList:
List<String> alphabet = IntStream.rangeClosed('A','Z')
                        .mapToObj(c -> String.valueOf((char) c))

  1. It's important that we pass a Supplier<Stream> to crossJoin, not the stream itself. 
  2. You might also be interested in Tagir Valeev's answer to a related question on Stackoverflow.

3 Jun 2015

Recursive Parallel Search with Shallow Backtracking

The implementation in the previous post had a serious disadvantage: We generated substitutions for all the letters, and then checked if those substitutions constituted a solution. However, in a more efficient approach some partial substitutions could be rejected out-of-hand as not leading to a solution. This is called "shallow backtracking". In this post I show how to examine the letters as they occur from right to left in the operands, and interleave the checking of arithmetic constraints with the generation of substitutions.

This solution combines the advantages of flatMap-based search in Java 8, parallelization, persistent collections, and recursion. This code that I will show is completely general for cryptarithmetic puzzles with two summands, because the constraints are no longer problem-specific: in fact they encode only the rules of long addition plus a general side condition.

The implementation is also a bit more idiomatic (for Java), with less clutter in the method interfaces, because we keep the read-only operands in instance variables instead of passing them around explicitly.

The really nice thing is that this approach is about 25 times faster than the original parallel flatMap solution with exhaustive search.

Here's the code:
import static com.googlecode.totallylazy.collections.PersistentList.constructors.list;
import static;
import static;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;

import com.googlecode.totallylazy.collections.PersistentList;
import com.googlecode.totallylazy.collections.PersistentMap;

public class SendMoreMoneyShallow {

    static final int PRUNED = -1;
    static final char PADDING = ' ';
    static final PersistentList<Integer> DIGITS = list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
    // padded puzzle arguments: op1 + op2 = op3
    final String op1;
    final String op2;
    final String op3;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SendMoreMoneyShallow puzzle = new SendMoreMoneyShallow(" send", " more", "money");
        Collection<String> solutions = puzzle.solve();
        System.out.println("There are " + solutions.size() + " solutions: " + solutions);

    public SendMoreMoneyShallow(String op1, String op2, String op3) {
        // the arguments come padded with blanks so they all have the same length
        // there is no need to reverse the strings, because we have random access and can process them backwards
        assert op1.length() == op3.length();
        assert op2.length() == op3.length();
        this.op1 = op1;
        this.op2 = op2;
        this.op3 = op3;
    public Collection<String> solve() {
        PersistentMap<Character, Integer> subst = map();
        Collection<String> solutions = go(op1.length() - 1, subst, 0).collect(toList());
        return solutions;

    Stream<String> go(int i, PersistentMap<Character, Integer> subst, int carry) {
        // Each level of recursion accomplishes up to three substitutions of a character with a number. The recursion
        // should end when we run out of characters to substitute. At this point, all constraints have already been
        // checked and therefore the substitutions must represent a solution.
        if (i < 0) {
            return solution(subst);
        // the state consists of partial substitutions and the carry. Every time we have made a substitution for a column
        // of letters (from right to left), we immediately check constraints.
        Character sx = op1.charAt(i);
        Character sy = op2.charAt(i);
        Character sz = op3.charAt(i);
        return candidates(sx, subst).stream().parallel().flatMap(x -> {
                PersistentMap<Character, Integer> substX = subst.insert(sx,x);
                return candidates(sy, substX).stream().flatMap(y -> {
                    PersistentMap<Character, Integer> substXY = substX.insert(sy,y);
                    return candidates(sz, substXY).stream().flatMap(z ->   {
                        PersistentMap<Character, Integer> substXYZ = substXY.insert(sz, z);
                        // recurse if not pruned, using the tails of the strings, the substitutions we have just made, and
                        // the value for carry that results from checking the arithmetic constraints
                        int nextCarry = prune(substXYZ, carry, x, y, z);
                        return nextCarry == PRUNED ? Stream.empty() : go(i - 1, substXYZ, nextCarry);

    int prune(PersistentMap<Character, Integer> subst, int carry, Integer x, Integer y, Integer z) {
        // neither of the most significant digits may be 0, and we cannot be sure the substitutions have already been made
        if (subst.getOrDefault(mostSignificantLetter(op1), 1) == 0 || subst.getOrDefault(mostSignificantLetter(op2), 1) == 0) {
            return PRUNED;

        // the column sum must be correct
        int zPrime = x + y + carry;
        if (zPrime % 10 != z) {
            return PRUNED;

        // return next carry
        return zPrime / 10;

    PersistentList<Integer> candidates(Character letter, PersistentMap<Character, Integer> subst) {
        if (letter == PADDING) {
            return list(0);
        // if we have a substitution, use that, otherwise consider only those digits that have not yet been assigned
        return subst.containsKey(letter) ? list(subst.get(letter)) : DIGITS.deleteAll(subst.values());

    Stream<String> solution(PersistentMap<Character, Integer> subst) {
        // transform the set of substitutions to a solution (in this case a String because Java has no tuples)
        int a = toNumber(subst, op1.trim());
        int b = toNumber(subst, op2.trim());
        int c = toNumber(subst, op3.trim());
        return Stream.of("(" + a + "," + b + "," + c + ")");

    static final int toNumber(Map<Character, Integer> subst, String word) {
        // return the integer corresponding to the given word according to the substitutions
        assert word.length() > 0;
        return word.chars().map(x -> subst.get((char)x)).reduce((x, y) -> 10 * x + y).getAsInt();

    static char mostSignificantLetter(String op) {
        return op.trim().charAt(0);

And here's a representative performance measurement:

# JMH 1.9.1 (released 40 days ago)
# VM invoker: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\jre\bin\java.exe
# VM options: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
# Warmup: 5 iterations, 1 s each
# Measurement: 25 iterations, 1 s each
# Timeout: 10 min per iteration
# Threads: 1 thread, will synchronize iterations
# Benchmark mode: Average time, time/op
# Benchmark: java8.streams.SendMoreMoneyShallowBenchmark.measureShallowBacktrackingPerformance

Benchmark                              Mode  Cnt  Score   Error  Units
measureShallowBacktrackingPerformance  avgt   25  6.319 ± 0.082  ms/op

There is room for still more improvement, because the substitution for "z" in each round is in fact determined by the previous substitutions and need not be guessed.

27 May 2015

Recursive Parallel Search

Bartosz Milewski has been discussing monadic programming in C++. In this post he presents a recursive version of the flatMap-based solution of the "Send more money" cryptarithmetic puzzle.

(BTW: Bartosz' writings always make for excellent reading if you're at all interested in functional programming.)

Here's a Java version of the recursive approach. I have already discussed the non-recursive solution in a previous blog entry. The main advantage over the original solution is that the recursive approach is less redundant and much easier to generalize. The main drawback is that on my machine it is about 6 times slower.

Please note how easy it is to parallelize this recursive solution when using persistent collections, in this case the ones from the TotallyLazy framework. Please spend a minute thinking about how you would go about coding this solution using only classes from the JDK. It's not trivial. (I would guess the same is true of the C++ implementation).

So here goes:

import static com.googlecode.totallylazy.collections.PersistentList.constructors.list;
import static;
import static;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import com.googlecode.totallylazy.collections.PersistentList;
import com.googlecode.totallylazy.collections.PersistentMap;

public class SendMoreMoneyRecursive {

    static final PersistentList<Character> LETTERS = list(uniqueChars("sendmoremoney"));
    static final PersistentList<Integer> DIGITS = list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SendMoreMoneyRecursive puzzle = new SendMoreMoneyRecursive();
        Collection<String> solutions = puzzle.solve(LETTERS, DIGITS);
        System.out.println("There are " + solutions.size() + " solutions: " + solutions);

    Collection<String> solve(PersistentList<Character> str, PersistentList<Integer> digits) {
        PersistentMap<Character, Integer> subst = map();
        Collection<String> solutions = go(str, digits, subst).collect(toList());
        return solutions;

    Stream<String> go(PersistentList<Character> str, PersistentList<Integer> digits,
            PersistentMap<Character, Integer> subst) {
        // Each level of nesting accomplishes one substitution of a character by a number. 
        // The recursion ends when we run out of characters to substitute.
        if (str.isEmpty()) {
            return prune(subst);
        return -> go(str.tail(), digits.delete(n), subst.insert(str.head(), n)));

    Stream<String> prune(PersistentMap<Character, Integer> subst) {
        // we know that we never look up a value that’s not in the map
        if (subst.get('s') == 0 || subst.get('m') == 0) {
            return Stream.empty();
        int send = toNumber(subst, "send");
        int more = toNumber(subst, "more");
        int money = toNumber(subst, "money");
        return send + more == money ? Stream.of(solution(send, more, money)) : Stream.empty();

    String solution(int send, int more, int money) {
        return "(" + send + "," + more + "," + money + ")";

    static final int toNumber(Map<Character, Integer> subst, String word) {
        assert word.length() > 0;
        return word.chars().map(x -> subst.get((char)x)).reduce((x, y) -> 10 * x + y).getAsInt();

    static List<Character> uniqueChars(String s) {
        return s.chars().distinct().mapToObj(d -> Character.valueOf((char) d)).collect(toList());

1 May 2015

Stream#flatMap() may cause short-circuiting of downstream operations to break

There is a bug report showing how flatMapping to an infinite stream may lead to non-termination of stream processing even in the presence of a short-circuiting terminal operation.

On StackOverflow, there is a discussion (in fact it was this discussion that led to the entry in the bug database) in which participants agree that the behavior is confusing and perhaps unexpected, but do not agree on whether it is actually a bug. There seem to be different ways to read the spec.

Here's an example:
Stream.iterate(0, i->i+1).findFirst()
works as expected, while
Stream.of("").flatMap(x->Stream.iterate(0, i->i+1)).findFirst()
will end up in an infinite loop.

The behavior of flatMap becomes still more surprising when one throws in an intermediate (as opposed to terminal) short-circuiting operation. While the following works as expected, printing out the infinite sequence of integers
Stream.of("").flatMap(x -> Stream.iterate(1, i -> i + 1)).forEach(System.out::println);
the following code prints out only the "1", but still does not terminate:
Stream.of("").flatMap(x -> Stream.iterate(1, i -> i + 1)).limit(1).forEach(System.out::println);

I cannot imagine a reading of the spec in which this were not a bug.

27 Apr 2015

Yield Return in Java (comment on Benji Webber)

Benji Webber has said that a feature often missed in Java by C# developers is yield return, and considers very complex ways of bringing this into Java for the implementation of iterators and generators. In particular he discusses a threading approach in some detail, which makes it seem really hard to generate and print out the integers from one to five.

In fact, with Java 8, there is no need for any of that, because the required behavior is already built into the lazy execution model of streams. Iterators and generators are part and parcel of the Stream API.

The following code, for example, will print the infinite series of positive numbers:

Stream.iterate(1, x->x+1).forEach(System.out::println);
Throwing in a limit(5) will give you the one-to-five example.

The reason that this works is that each stream element is only generated (lazily) when a downstream method explicitly asks for it. Contrary to appearances, no list of five elements is ever constructed in the snippet

Stream.iterate(1, x->x+1).limit(5).forEach(System.out::println);

To my eyes, the Java 8 code is even nicer to read than the corresponding code in C#.

Easy exhaustive search with Java 8 Streams

I have just been reading this post by Mark Dominus on Haskell. It discusses how the Haskell list monad can be used to hide some of the glue code involved in doing exhaustive searches. Java 8 Streams, which are somewhat similar to Haskell lists in also being monadic, lend themselves to the same style of coding.

The example used in the post I have quoted is the well-known crypt-arithmetics puzzle in which you are asked to find all possible ways of mapping the letters S, E, N, D, M, O, R, Y to distinct digits 0 through 9 (where we may assume that S is not 0) so that the following comes out true:

    S E N D
  + M O R E
  M O N E Y

Here's my Java 8 port of Mark's Haskell example.

public class SendMoreMoney {

    static final List<Integer> DIGITS = unmodifiableList(asList(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9));
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<String> solutions = 
            remove(DIGITS, 0).stream().flatMap( s ->
            remove(DIGITS, s).stream().flatMap( e ->
            remove(DIGITS, s, e).stream().flatMap( n ->
            remove(DIGITS, s, e, n).stream().flatMap( d ->
            remove(DIGITS, s, e, n, d).stream().flatMap( m ->
            remove(DIGITS, s, e, n, d, m).stream().flatMap( o ->
            remove(DIGITS, s, e, n, d, m, o).stream().flatMap( r ->
            remove(DIGITS, s, e, n, d, m, o, r).stream().flatMap( y ->
                { int send = toNumber(s, e, n, d);
                  int more = toNumber(m, o, r, e);
                  int money = toNumber(m, o, n, e, y);
                  return  send + more == money ? Stream.of(solution(send, more, money)) : Stream.empty();

    static String solution(int send, int more, int money) {
        return "(" + send + "," + more + "," + money + ")";
    static final int toNumber(Integer... digits) {
        assert digits.length > 0;
        return Stream.of(digits).reduce((x,y) -> 10*x + y).get();
    static final List<Integer> remove(List<Integer> xs, Integer... ys) {
        // this naive implementation is O(n^2).
        List<Integer> zs = new ArrayList<>(xs);
        return zs;

The minor optimization of not unncecessarily recomputing "send" and "more" is left out for the sake of readability. The methods remove() - which implements list difference - toNumber(), and solution() have simple implementations. Of these, toNumber() is again a lot like the corresponding Haskell code. Method solution() here returns a String because Java does not have tuples.

Too bad that in Java one must have the nested method calls, but the formatting goes some way to hide this. All in all, I think this is quite nice.

But how fast is it? I did a simple micro-benchmark with JMH 1.9.1 (available from Maven Central) on my laptop computer, which is a quad-core machine with an Intel i7 processor.

Here are the measurement parameters:

# JMH 1.9.1 (released 5 days ago)
# VM invoker: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\jre\bin\java.exe
# VM options: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
# Warmup: 5 iterations, 1 s each
# Measurement: 25 iterations, 1 s each
# Timeout: 10 min per iteration
# Threads: 1 thread, will synchronize iterations
# Benchmark mode: Average time, time/op

I measured the flatMap solution against the equivalent formulation with eight nested forEach-loops and an external accumulator variable. The flatMap solution is about half as fast. Here's a representative measurement:

Benchmark                        Mode  Cnt    Score   Error  Units
measureFlatMapSearchPerformance  avgt   25  662.377 ± 3.747  ms/op
measureForLoopSearchPerformance  avgt   25  316.105 ± 3.823  ms/op

The nice thing abbout Streams is they are so easily parallelizable. Just throw in a .parallel() in the first line like this:

   remove(DIGITS, 0).stream().parallel().flatMap( s ->

leaving everything else unchanged, and the (parallel) flatMap version becomes twice as fast as the (serial) for-loop version:

Benchmark                        Mode  Cnt    Score   Error  Units
measureFlatMapSearchPerformance  avgt   25  168.278 ± 1.700  ms/op
measureForLoopSearchPerformance  avgt   25  315.806 ± 2.878  ms/op